Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tonight. . .

So. I went to dinner (Sam's final supper before officially going to college) at the Sterlings'. We had a VERY fun time. . .like. . . almost too much fun! HOWEVER - I kinda lost it at one point - and it's actually related to the last post - kinda: follow me here. SO - as part of my whole working-on-my-self-image thing, I've been taking LOTS of pictures of myself. Unfortunately, I have not been deleting them very quickly - partly cause I forget to, and partly because my camera disk can hold a lot, so it's not that necessary. On the way over to the Sterlings, I figured I outta start deleting some, b/c Oberg always wants to look through the pics on my camera. But alas, I did not have time/patience to do it. Sure enough, they were there and he started looking through pictures. This stressed me out. I knew I should be fine about it. Yeah - so he was gonna see LOTS of pictures of me, but that's OK, right. Well - it stressed me out, and I went and sat behind Anderton while Oberg was looking at them. Well. . . even though I had clearly explained what I was stressed about. . . Anderton voiced that he thought I was all nervous/stressed about somebody else - and because 1)I was stressed out cause of the pictures 2)I had already gotten annoyed at somebody for bringing him up 3)I was actively trying to not think of that person. . .I slapped Anderton on the back. . .more than once. . .rather hard. And felt EXTREMELY bad, guilty, awkward, etc afterwards. . .for awhile. GRRrrrrr.

BUT - anyway - we all got over it, and had fun, playing Pictionary among other things. Here's one video. . .

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