Thursday, January 7, 2010

Plan for today!

Yay! it's my 200th post! whoo-hoo!

Anyway. Lots to do today. I'm a 3rd of the way done with my classes. Gotta finish them. Submit grades. Practice with the Beta Club inductees for their induction ceremony on Monday. Get Jacob to my parents to work on his PineWood Derby car for Friday's (tomorrow!!) race. Go to the High School. Judge mock-all-state auditions. Change clothes and go do w1d3 of C25K. Get Jacob. Go home. Dinner. Homework. Scriptures. Prayer. Bed.



Momma Twitch said...

Sounds do-able. I like hearing how your C25K is going. :)

Anonymous said...

I'll stick to my day :)

Megan said...

Thanks, Cathy! and Heather. . .I think I'd probably like your days, too. . .maybe. . .